Eric Savoie

They say knowledge is power. But let me tell you, it’s not the only power. Education might open your eyes, but networking? That opens doors.  And if you’re standing there armed with curiosity and the willingness to learn, you’re unstoppable.

Let me paint you a picture. Imagine you’re sitting in a lecture hall, diligently scribbling notes, trying to absorb every piece of information your professor offers. It’s valuable, yes. But now picture this. You’re at a coffee shop, chatting with someone who’s spent the last ten years building a career you’ve only dreamed about. They tell you their story, the challenges, the moments of doubt, the triumphs. They give you advice you’d never find in a textbook. Maybe, just maybe, they offer to connect you with someone who could give you a shot. Which scenario feels more alive? More real?

Education lays a foundation, but relationships build the house.

Here’s the thing, Networking isn’t just about shaking hands or trading business cards. It’s about human connection. It’s about showing up as someone who’s curious, who’s eager to learn, and who’s not afraid to say, “I don’t know, but I’d love to find out.” It’s about being present when the universe throws an opportunity your way and having the courage to say yes.

I know what you’re thinking. “But what if I’m not ready?” Well, spoiler alert. No one ever feels completely ready. But here’s the thing, you don’t have to be. You just have to be willing. Willing to learn. Willing to adapt. Willing to take the leap even when fear is whispering all the reasons you shouldn’t.

That’s what networking is, it’s showing up. It’s being prepared not with answers, but with the mindset of someone ready to grow and learn.

So, how do you prepare for those moments? Study your interests. Dive into every aspect of them. Not just the parts you’re drawn to, but the corners you’re unfamiliar with. Read, listen, watch, explore. Build a toolkit of knowledge, so when the door cracks open, you can step through with confidence.

And when the opportunity arrives, jump. Don’t let fear of failure or imposter syndrome hold you back. Because the truth is, saying yes to new experiences is how you grow. It’s how you discover who you are. The more you try, the more you learn. And the more you learn, the closer you get to building the most complete, authentic version of yourself.

Networking isn’t just a strategy. It’s a mindset. It’s the belief that the connections you make, with others and with yourself, can take you further than you’ve ever imagined. So go on. Be curious. Be brave. Say yes. And watch how far it can take you.

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