About Me
Writing has always been a casual enjoyment of mine, and I’ve decided to take a jump outside my comfort zone by sharing my thoughts here. Stepping out off my comfort zone is something I want to do more of. It is a goal of mine, to care less about others perception of me and to do things that would normally not be seen as something I would do to those who know me. Make myself feel uncomfortable, so that eventually I am comfortable. I’m not aiming to be right or wrong, just sharing my thoughts, feelings, and experiences on life and topics that normally sit in my notes app and would never be seen. I have always carried a feeling that I will not settle for one way of life, but rather experience many different ones and constantly be changing and evolving. Maybe people can relate to what I say or the things I write, hopefully I am able to give my perspective to others and have an impact on how they are designing their life. I’m just figuring it all out and striving to live as fulfilling a life as possible, doing and experiencing the things that bring me real fulfillment. Hopefully you can do the same.